Call for Mini Sessions

UD2022 is pleased to announce the addition of a new special call!

The idea is to provide opportunities for authors who may have not submitted a paper, but who still wish to contribute to the discussion, to present their work, and network during thematic mini sessions.

The format of each mini session is as follows:

one hour thematic mini-session with four speakers each presenting a contribution for 10 minutes, followed by 20-minute general discussion. In case there are two speakers for a contribution, they will alternate over the 10-minute slot.

Authors are invited to submit proposals, possibly presenting real case studies from which strengths and weaknesses related to implementing Universal Design approaches in different domains:

  • Universal Design and ICT

  • Universal Design and institutional policies in the public and private sectors

  • Universal Design and Cultural Heritage

  • Universal Design in the tourism sector

  • Universal Design and individual differences

Please submit a proposal using the approved template by filling out the form.

Deadline: (15th July 2022) Extended up to August 15th.

Proposals will be selected considering the relevance of the contents proposed and will be published in a side publication.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent in late July.

These mini sessions are available only for in-person participants: to present, authors must be registered at the conference (three days or single day).